Saturday, 17 June 2017

Achieving My Maths Goals

Ava has been working really hard on her Maths goals. She achieved her goal of recognising the numbers before and after to 10.

Next, Ava decided to work on counting backwards from 20. She learnt this goal quickly. Today she decided her new goal will be to recognise odd and even numbers. 

Monday, 12 June 2017

Playing Co-operatively

Brayden and Ava decided to play with the skittles outside.  Brayden saw a line on the concrete and thought that would be a great place to line up the skittles.  Once Ava and Brayden lined the skittles up Ava counted them.  She discovered that there were 16 skittles.  Brayden made the rule of standing on the ring when you rolled the ball to make sure the game was fair.  Both Brayden and Ava showed wonderful turn taking and helping each other to stand the skittles up again.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Sharing Equally

In maths we have been learning about sharing equally.  Today we used pretend pizza bases to help us learn how to share equally into halves and in quarters.  We made pizza toppings with  play dough.  We then shared these toppings equally in halves and in quarters.  We discovered that if you can skip count it sometimes helps to work out how many toppings in each section of the pizza quicker.

Art Table

Today, Ava worked at the craft table. She carefully cut out pieces of fabric and glued them onto her T-shirt. She spent a lot of time using her fine motor skills of cutting and pasting, and was very proud of her hard work. What a wonderful design you have created Ava. 

My Mihi